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MTN Foundation – CSR arm of MTN.


MTN Foundation – CSR arm of MTN.


MTNF visited local communities through a nominator to provide school chairs, boreholes, shelter, food, and transformers.
MTNF require MPN to drive conversation around compelling videos that were recorded during the visits to local communities.
Amplify videos on social media including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


Campaign for MTN F videos was tagged #WhatCanWeDoTogether.

Conversation saw goodwill on Twitter as users saw #WhatCanWeDoTogether as a big gesture and a platform to add their voice.

Videos on #WhatCanWeDoTogether reached over 150,000 people on Facebook. Positive comments were generated on Facebook with Zero negative.

Popular Nigerian comedian Alibaba added his voice to #WhatcanWeDoTogether by retweeting a tweet.

With #WhatCanWeDoTogether, we reached over 3.1m people on social media with over 5.7m impressions.
#WCWDT and #WhatCanWeDoTogether were trending topics on twitter every time the campaign videos dropped.

Facebook Video Views (35,105)
Facebook Likes (208)
Facebook Shares (75)
Trends (8 Trends)
Online Mention (1) Nairaland
Meme output: (30)
Comments (50)
Celebrity posts (1+)
Retweets (2500)
Social media reach: 3,171, 789
Social Media Impression – 5,027,715


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